In my work, drawing is more than a medium; it is a means of navigating the invisible threads connecting history, science, and art. Drawing serves as the primary channel through which I explore the subtleties of both natural and theoretical worlds, offering a tactile, deliberate approach that integrates digital and AI-generated imagery alongside scientific collaboration.
My current practice engages with the geometric precision of classical Greek vases—timeless artifacts whose intricate patterns and minimalist palette are grounded in mathematical principles. Recognizing the latent potential within these designs, I expand upon their underlying complexities. The duality between exterior silhouette and interior geometry in my drawings serves as a visual bridge between the perceived and the unseen. The inner compositions draw from investigations into cosmological phenomena and higher-dimensional theories, such as Calabi Yau Manifolds, which suggest dimensions beyond human experience. My drawings reference the compression of information as these forms are translated visually from their mathematical origins.
I begin these drawings by combining digital sketches and AI-generated imagery, layering, merging, and reducing them into a cohesive image. I re-render these digital compositions on paper using colored pencil and ink. My drawings, with their hard edges and soft interior forms, emit a static energy. Built from fields of nearly indiscernible marks, these dense surfaces mirror the forces that shape all matter.
At the heart of my practice is a refined appreciation for simplicity. I distill complex frameworks into essential forms where historical and modern perspectives intersect. This approach reveals echoes of ancient narratives resonating within contemporary discussions of technology, underscoring their ongoing relevance.
My current practice engages with the geometric precision of classical Greek vases—timeless artifacts whose intricate patterns and minimalist palette are grounded in mathematical principles. Recognizing the latent potential within these designs, I expand upon their underlying complexities. The duality between exterior silhouette and interior geometry in my drawings serves as a visual bridge between the perceived and the unseen. The inner compositions draw from investigations into cosmological phenomena and higher-dimensional theories, such as Calabi Yau Manifolds, which suggest dimensions beyond human experience. My drawings reference the compression of information as these forms are translated visually from their mathematical origins.
I begin these drawings by combining digital sketches and AI-generated imagery, layering, merging, and reducing them into a cohesive image. I re-render these digital compositions on paper using colored pencil and ink. My drawings, with their hard edges and soft interior forms, emit a static energy. Built from fields of nearly indiscernible marks, these dense surfaces mirror the forces that shape all matter.
At the heart of my practice is a refined appreciation for simplicity. I distill complex frameworks into essential forms where historical and modern perspectives intersect. This approach reveals echoes of ancient narratives resonating within contemporary discussions of technology, underscoring their ongoing relevance.